

So I'm watching one of the many 'Wow, look how strange this animal is!' shows on TV, and various animals are being explained, e.g. a tiny little frog that was really cute, as well as some elephants recorded using a special 'bouldercam' that rolled around. One moment in the elephant part was entertaining: two of the male elephants were fighting, and one lost. He walked away towards the bouldercam, looked at it for minute, then kicked it and walked away. He had excellent comedic timing.

Following the elephants, the show focused on tornadoes and storm chasers. They showed a video of some tornadoes that occur over water in Malawi (what's up kevin) then cut to commercial. After the commercial break, they revealed that the tornadoes aren't actual tornadoes but are really enormous clouds of insects! They sent a reporter to Malawi to investigate. The reporter talked to one of the local villagers and he said that if you go into one of the clouds of bugs, you will die. So the TV producer decided it would be a good idea to send him into one of the enormous clouds of insects. It took them a couple of days to get a good cloud of bugs, so in the meantime he called his family back at home. When he asked his wife how life was with him not home, she said she was thoroughly enjoying it. When he asked his son how life was with dad not home, he said it wasn't much different. When he asked him what he thought of his dad going into a bug tornado, he thought it was a stupid idea, but that it wouldn't be good if his dad died. So the next day a bug tornado was spotted, and they set out in a boat. Before they reached the tornado, they cut to commercial and changed the subject of the show. I'm not sure if they're saving the tornado encounter for another show or if they're saving it for the end of tonight's show. Now they're talking about The Touch, a pair of very famous comedy twins.

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